• Welcome to the project website for PublishOA.ie co-led by the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity College Dublin. The project's aim is to conduct a feasibility study into creating an all-island Diamond Open Access publishing platform for Ireland.

    For more information on the project, who's involved, how it's funded, what are its outputs and what's the latest PublishOA.ie news, see the menus above.


    Trial of Publishing Platforms

    Publishers - You Still Have a Chance to Test Drive an Open Access Publishing Platform!

    Who is this for? Academic publishers with or without experience in open-access publishing , including small, independent, non-profit and/or library-based publishers.

    What will it entail? You will be assigned a platform to test and someone to support you through the process. If you’re interested in open access publishing and would like to see how it would affect your workflows in a supported trial, this is for you.

    PublishOA.ie | @PublishOAIre | publishoa@ria.ie

    Directory of Irish Publishers: The first digital Directory of Irish Publishers was launched on Bloomsday (16 June) 2023 by PublishOA.ie. [More … ]